F, F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter







Next meetings: July 6th and August 3rd, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds

          Hello everyone, it’s been an interesting summer again here, we got a lot of planting done in a short time, but we’re waiting on some ground to dry so we can work it-plant it to beans, hoping this next week is kind to us and we get it done J


          Thanks to Regina Flynn I got notes to go from J We got parts to get our baler fixed up for the show, and we have arrangements in place for the Warren County Fair work (clubs payment and passes for workers are lined up), I understand the tractor ride was a success, everyone had good weather for it, also like to thank the Harper Family for getting us some wheat lined up to reap for our thresher, last year was a tough one to get anything planted so we’re happy to find any


          Don’t forget, there is no more grace on wheelie bars and hitches, they must be ready for this years show if you want to pull, and if you have a 14-18 year old who is working on a tractor-implement-garden tractor or who wants to fix up one get them in our Jump Start program, they can receive up to $500 to help with the restoration, let me know and I’ll send you a form and what information we need, the winner will be announced at the show in September

Show Dates

7/4: Blanchester 4th of July Parade, lineup 9:30-10:30 at High School, parade 11:00, contact Lisa Beach for information 513-519-0838

7/5-12: Clinton County Fair

7/12: Bethel Murdoch Church Show, contact Kathy Flynn for information at 623-0430

7/14-19: Warren County Fair, Parade on the 14th, pulls 9am 7/18

7/20-26: Clermont County Fair

8/1-3: Stonelick Lake Show

8/23: Touch A Truck, Shops at Grandin on St Rt 48, 10-2

8/30-31: Waynesville Fly In, 10am display, contact Regina Flynn for information 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com

Any questions contact one of our directors.

Mike Lumley 513-515-8613 ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Larry Flynn (513)266-7413 l.flynn60@yahoo.com

Jim Patterson (513)234-7927 jpatterson7334@hotmail.com

Dave Siebert, Treasurer, (937)603-4233 davedenisesiebert@gmail.com

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 wctractorguy@aol.com